Cutter machines for young plants in pots and in the field.

The pruning of young plants in the nursery is spreading more and more as a technique to enhance the final product, the filling of the canopy made with frequent cuts and uniforms not only has an aesthetic function but strengthens the natural structure of the plant.
New technologies in the garden nursery are increasing the efficiency of processes such as pruning young
plants to have finished high level of standardization.

We think, propose and realize what is useful to improve the productivity and the quality of job in floriculture and horticulture, by automation.
We are specialized in the distribution and after sales assistant of technology products for plants nursery automation.
Machines pruners, cropping, transplanting, conveyor belts, forklifts, mixing systems and batching soils and additives, control systems and automated selection.
We are constantly at the side of our customers to provide optimized solutions to the specific job.
We are exclusive dealer for Italy of trimming / pruners machines EAZYCUT®.
In this website are represented only some of the solutions that we can offer to our customers, for any other information please do not hesitate to contact us.
For our representative depliant click here.
Potatrice lineare per piante con due operatori
– EazyCut 1200 – 1600 V8 –
Pruning linear machine for plants with two operators
Potatrice lineare per piante in campo aperto
– Rap EazyCut Frame –
Pruning linear machine for plants in the open field
Potatrice leggera lineare per piante in serra
– Rap EazyCut Frame Light –
Pruning light linear machine for plants in greenhouse
Potatrice lineare per piante in vassoio
– Rap EazyCut 502 –
Pruning linear machine for plants in tray
Potatrice sferica per piante in campo o in vaso
– RAP 10 –
Pruning machine for plants spherical shape in field or in pots
Views: 66
ultima modifica: 2013-08-24T11:44:15+02:00